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Student Advocacy ALOP Program

The Student Advocacy ALOP Program at the North Cook ISC works on-site in schools directly with students having behavioral, SEL, academic or attendance needs and not making progress with school-based Tier 2 or 3 interventions.

  • Services: Advocates maintain a caseload of 25-32 students for 6 months-2 years, on average.
  • Support: Advocates work during the school day/year supporting students in a variety of ways, including providing breaks, counseling, instruction on coping skills, academic intervention and more.
  • Student Success Plans (SSP): Upon referral and acceptance into the ALOP, Advocates create a Student Success Plan (SSP) for each student that drives his/her services received.

Student Referrals to ALOP

Teachers or other support personnel can refer a student to the ALOP. Contact your school-based ALOP Coordinator (usually an administrator). Present information or a request about a student at a team meeting or tiered intervention meeting. Make sure student has already received interventions (Tier 1 & 2, if possible).

For more information, contact:
Dr. Allison Slade, Assistant Executive Director

ALOP Success

In the ALOP program's initial/pilot year (2022-2023):

  • Student Advocates served 260 students
  • More than 50% of students were English language learners
  • More than 80% of students qualified for free/reduced lunch

100% of students with academic goals met them and more than 80% of students met their attendance goals

Continuum of Student Services

Our continuum begins with supplemental ALOP (Alternative Learning Opportunities Program) services supporting students in their school settings, then offers opportunities for separate placements by choice and offers support in response to specific severe behavior incidents as an alternative option for expulsion level incidents.

Graphic showing the continuum of student services