Attendance Support
Every student's attendance, every day, increases their opportunities to learn, grow and be an integral, contributing member of their classroom community. That is why the North Cook Intermediate Service Center provides member districts with direct support in increasing student attendance. When a student is showing attendance problems - even before they have reached "chronic truant" status - NCISC Attendance Liaisons can work with the student, family and school to improve attendance through a variety of actions including home visits, resource provision, creation and enforcement of attendance contracts, and uncovering and removing any barriers that might be present that impede school attendance.
Attendance Team
Adriana Chavez
Attendance Program Manager
Yahaira Castro
Student Attendance Liaison
Chloe Nabors
Student Attendance Liaison
Attendance Referral & Support Process
Do not complete a new referral form for continued truancy after the first referral is made within the same school year.
Attendance Support Student Referral Form