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Health & Safety Services

Health/Life Safety Reviews

North Cook ISC systematically reviews and inspects public school buildings, including temporary or modular classrooms, on an annual basis to assure compliance with the mandated standards for the health and safety of public school students in Illinois. As required by law, a record of the annual inspection results are sent to the district superintendent and filed with the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE)

In addition, the Office of the State Fire Marshal is authorized to conduct annual fire safety inspections in our public schools; results are shared with each school and a copy of the report is submitted to North Cook ISC.

By law, every 10 years, each public school building occupied in whole or in part by public school students, or intended for occupancy by such students, must be surveyed for continued compliance by a licensed State of Illinois architect or engineer. The Ten Year Safety Survey Report lists items needed in order to bring the building into full and continual compliance and estimated costs to address any violations.

If determined by the district that Fire Prevention and Safety Funds will be requested to complete the work, an original Certification of Need with wet signature and seal of a State of Illinois licensed architect or engineer is submitted to the North Cook ISC and the State Superintendent of Education.

Once the Safety Survey Report is approved by ISBE, with the violation and recommendation schedule (including prioritized and estimated timelines for completion of work), a Certificate of Approval is issued, and if combined with an amendment, authorizes the approval of fire prevention and safety funds.

North Cook ISC is also responsible for statutory compliance with established standards in the construction, remodeling, and demolition of public school buildings within the North Cook County region. The commercial demolition fee (which applies to schools) is
  $750.00 per structure. Districts must complete this State of Illinois demolition/renovation/asbestos project notification form

Visit the ISBE Health and Life Safety page for more information. 

Contact Us

Ted Mesiacos
Health/Life Safety Consultant

Annual Compliance

The following forms must be completed by each district on an annual basis and submitted to Margot Fennelly at or fax to Margot at 847-824-1033. These forms are due before June 30.

Security Consulting

NCISC can help you review and improve the physical security of your facilities as well as establish and implement effective safety and security practices. Services include:

  • Facility assessments
  • Safety and security staff training
  • Safety team development and training