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Transportation - Pace Partnership

Through the Pace Municipal Vehicle Program, NCISC is fortunate to be able to utilize passenger vans for transportation of students in our Regional Safe Schools and on-site ALOP Programs for vocational, curricular and extracurricular needs (not for regular transportation to and from school). 

When not in use for NCISC purposes, families of students who attend schools in the NCISC region can utilize the transportation service for educational purposes free of charge. The vehicles cannot be used in place of regular school transportation, but, when they are available, can be used to meet family transportation needs related to school and community-based educational meetings, programs, activities or events. (Riders must be age 8 or older.) 

Routes originate from North Cook ISC, and must be within the North Cook ISC region. Drivers have completed the certification process. Service hours are Monday-Friday from 7am-5pm (again, when not in use for NCISC purposes). Vans are not available when NCISC is closed; those dates are available on the NCISC calendar.

Contact North Cook Young Adult Academy Principal of Operations Jeremy Paul ( or 847-803-3707) to check availability and to schedule a ride.