North Cook Young Adult Academy (NCYAA) educates students in one of two distinct programs:
- Regional Safe School Program (RSSP): RSSP serves students from Grades 6-12 who have had multiple suspensions or are pending expulsion from their home school.
- Alternative Learning Opportunities Program (ALOP): ALOP offers flexible educational programs and services to meet the complex needs of students. The objective is to offer additional tiered support that follows a school's continuum of services in an environment that is more flexible and adaptable for the students.
NCYAA is dedicated to providing a positive, safe, inclusive learning environment for all students. Goals of both programs include increasing graduation rates, increasing student attendance & participation, increasing credit attainment, improving family engagement, increasing job-related skills, and improving copy strategies.
Both the RSSP and the ALOP are regular education programs that follow a comprehensive curriculum similar to the home school district, with differentiated instruction that is centered around a student’s individual differences and learning styles. Social-emotional growth is an important aspect of each program. Class sizes do not exceed 10 students in most cases. NCYAA also provides resources and services, such as planning and goal-setting, counseling, job-related services, and social-emotional learning, along with individual and group support. We offer a team approach in our programs. There is regular, ongoing communication between NCYAA staff, parents/guardians, the student, and the home school.
School Administration
Jeremy Paul
NCYAA Principal of Operations
Nataly Lopez-Diaz
NCYAA Principal of Instructional Programming
Staff Directory
Staff: 7:15 a.m.–3:00 p.m.
Students: 8:45 a.m.–2:25 p.m.
Referral & Intake
Students are referred to NCYAA for placement from their home school district for a variety of reasons, often in lieu of school suspension or expulsion. NCYAA is an ideal solution for students who need an alternative educational experience with extra resources and support that increases their opportunity for success.
Once referred to NCYAA, our Principal or Intake Counselor will set up an Alternate Planning Meeting (AEP) or Student Success Planning Meeting (SSP) to explain the program, discuss goals and the student's schedule, and to sign necessary documents for enrollment. District representatives are encouraged to participate in that meeting to increase the opportunities for success and to reassure the student and their family that the alternate placement is an extension of the student's home school experience.
Upon enrollment, the intake counselor will conduct a Clinical Interview to gain a better understanding of the student, his or her success plan, and how best to support the student during placement.
Each student's educational program is customized to maximize his or her opportunity for success. Classes begin as soon as possible after the AEP or SSP meeting to avoid disruption in the education process for the student.
Please note: North Cook does not take private placements; all students must be referred by one of its serving districts. A referral form must be completed with necessary uploaded documentation. Please complete either the NCYAA RSSP Referral Form or the On-Site ALOP Referral Form. After approval, student start dates are determined by the schedule below:
All credits earned by students at NCYAA are transferred to their home school district. More than 80% of students sent to NCYAA successfully transition back to their home school or graduate. North Cook Young Adult Academy empowers students to develop respect and responsibility for themselves and their communities. A focus of each program is for students to become lifelong learners and active contributors to their community.